Shi Yiping
发布时间: 2014-11-04 浏览次数: 407

Personal Information

Shi Yiping, Female, Master, awarded from Shanghai University. Associate Professor, School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-021-67791131,

Research Fields

The main research areas are: intelligent control, software engineering and intelligent information processing.

Research Achievements

[1] Shi Yiping. The Design and Implementation of the Measurement &Control System of

Shield Posture. ICIECS 2010, 2010.12 EI Retrieval Number:20110813673940

[2] Shi Yiping. The Development of Intelligent Mobile Phone Game Based on Android System[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013.5(EI Retrieval Number:20133616698370)

[3] Shi Yiping. The Development of Online Shopping System Based on the MVC Pattern[J].

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013.8(EI Retrieval Number:20134316889413)

(1) The Research of Prediction Model and Optimal Control of Shield Construction,Transverse Project in Chinese, Project Leader, 2011.6-2012.12

2Research and Development of Shield Posture Measurement and Control SystemTransverse Project in Chinese, Project Leader, 2013.3-2014.9
